Joelanta 2009 toy show was a blast!

Hi all, if you’re like me (and most of you, blessedly, are not) and love the smell of vintage plastic action figures, then you REALLY should have been at the Joelanta 2009 toy show this weekend. There were a LOT of great dealers (myself included) selling items for low low prices (again, myself included).

I always look at this show as more of an opportunity to socialize rather than make money selling stuff, and that was even more true this year. The show was less attended than last years (in my opinion) in part due to the economy and the weather (rain poured down most of the day) but it was still a good show with LOTS of different items on sale.

One thing I definitely took advantage of this year was the dropping prices of original 1960s G.I.Joe pieces… I picked up five vintage 12″ Joes for what I would have had to pay for two just a couple of years ago. And two were Talking G.I.Joes that still worked! I would have bought more but I held back – the kids still need all that… what do you call it again? Oh, yeah – food.

My sons also enjoyed it, which also makes the show a great father/son bonding experience. With toy tanks! So much the better…

Anyway, thanks to all who organized this great show – I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend. Oh, and GREAT diorama again this year guys! Please find some more pictures below.

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