Joseph Dickerson

CRANSTON FTW. #superbowl

Joseph Dickerson

So are Nissan and Nationwide competing for the worse ad awards? Jesus, who thought these ads were a good idea?

Joseph Dickerson

Wow, Nissan just lost the #AdBowl with the most depressing sad ad ever. Someone needs to be fired.

Joseph Dickerson

Coke: please don’t drink it, just use it to lubricate your servers.

Joseph Dickerson

If that ball was just slightly deflated, the New England receiver would have caught it. #SuperBowl

Joseph Dickerson

Have no interest in seeing the new Terminator movie. Ever.
Not on Netflix, not on a plane for free… Never.

Joseph Dickerson

She Who Must Be Obeyed: “The game started a half hour ago…”
ME: ” Did it, honey? Did it?”

Joseph Dickerson

Methinks Intuit and turbotax are gonna get some blowback on that ad.

Joseph Dickerson

I wish Ted Knight was alive to announce for this game.
“Meanwhile, at the Legion of Boom…”

Joseph Dickerson

I hope before the end of the night New England fans’ hopes for victory are… Deflated. #obviousjokeisobvious

Joseph Dickerson

So, Umm… @pepsi? Your Kickstarter Mountain Dew commercial sucked. Just wanted to let you know.

Joseph Dickerson

Time for the Big Game. I can’t call it “Super Bowl” because I don’t have the broadcast tweet rights to do so.

Joseph Dickerson

Crap, I had money on Team Ruff. #PuppyBowl2015

Joseph Dickerson

Ready to eat a copious amounts of food that is horrible for you while I watch overpayed athletes play a meaningless game. The American Way.

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: G.I.Joe Blueprints!

Joseph Dickerson

Doing my taxes. Jesus.
Can we please have a hard reset/reboot of this country? Or a reinstall?