Category: Uncategorized

Joseph Dickerson

Beware… Black Friday is coming.

Joseph Dickerson

Get better soon @mfrost11.

Joseph Dickerson

So much for the whole “Get rid of the Electoral College” movement.…

Joseph Dickerson

First leg surgery is done. More to come. Left leg is wrapped up like the Mummy, and the pain meds are starting to wear off.


Joseph Dickerson

First of many leg surgeries this morning. Yay.

Joseph Dickerson

If the polls were accurate and the media weren’t so confident about a Clinton win, people wouldn’t be so shocked. And more would have voted.

Joseph Dickerson

Goodnight folks.

Joseph Dickerson

This is a good read. The bubble burst for this writer.…

Joseph Dickerson

Half of America to the other half: “Living with you is like living with a living nightmare!” #Election2016


Joseph Dickerson

Hmm. Again, not what the “conventional wisdom” was.…

Joseph Dickerson

A must read. (BTW, was in the UK just before #Brexit, & everyone I met there said it would pass & Trump would win)…

Joseph Dickerson

Last night wasn’t an election, it was a national divorce. A nasty one.