Category: Uncategorized

Joseph Dickerson

Just Pinned to My posts: Lessons in #UX: Election 2016 and confirmation bias…


Joseph Dickerson

I’m past my expiration date. Goodnight, all.

Joseph Dickerson

If any of you (like me) have unresolved father issues, may I recommend the documentary For the Love of Spock.

So. Many. Tears.

Joseph Dickerson

Now, because I’m a masochist, I’m going to watch the documentary For the Love of Spock. Because I need to cry some more.

Joseph Dickerson

Elections come and go, empires rise and fall, but talent… True Talent… is precious. And we lost a great man today. #Hallelujah

Joseph Dickerson

Beautiful. Of course. “See you down the road.”…

Joseph Dickerson

Oh No. RIP Leonard Cohen. #hallelujah