The Quincy, ME approach to problem solving and decision making

In classic TV, few shows blend mystery with medical investigation quite like Quincy M.E. Airing from the late 70s through the early 80s, the series introduced us to Dr. Quincy, played by Jack Klugman (his follow-up from The Odd Couple). Quincy’s character is a medical examiner whose forensic expertise solved crimes and brought justice to the voiceless. I bought the complete series on DVD as a Christmas present for my wife, and we have been re-watching the series almost every night since.

(Yes, I am an Old.)

But beyond its entertainment value, Quincy M.E. offers us lessons in decision-making, critical thinking, and ethical judgment.

Observation and Evidence Gathering

Quincy’s meticulous attention to detail reminds us of the importance of thoroughness in our decision-making process. In each episode, Quincy gathers all possible evidence before drawing conclusions, a practice crucial in our lives as well. Whether we’re deciding on a new career or making a big purchase, gathering comprehensive information allows us to make informed decisions, minimizing the risk of oversight or error.

Critical Thinking and Analysis

The show brilliantly highlights Quincy’s ability to analyze evidence and form hypotheses through critical thinking. This skill is invaluable in today’s world, where we’re bombarded with information and must discern truth from falsehood. By critically evaluating information and considering various outcomes, we can overcome biases and assumptions, leading to more sound and rational decisions.

Consultation and Collaboration

Quincy often consulted with colleagues and sought expertise from specialists, demonstrating the power of collaboration in uncovering the truth. Similarly, seeking advice from others can provide new perspectives and insights that enhance our decision-making process. Whether it’s a personal dilemma or a professional challenge, collaboration can lead to more effective and comprehensive solutions.

Integrity and Responsibility

One of the most admirable aspects of Quincy’s character is his unwavering integrity and sense of responsibility. He consistently prioritizes truth and justice, even when it’s inconvenient or challenges the status quo. This teaches us the importance of ethical considerations in our decisions, reminding us to act with integrity and consider the long-term impacts of our actions on others and society at large.

 Empathy and Impact on Others

Quincy’s decisions often consider the emotional impact on victims’ families and the broader societal implications. This empathy underscores the importance of considering how our decisions affect others. One early episode involves his focus on identifying the time of death of a murder victim, as the victim’s life insurance expired the day he died – If it was before midnight his surviving family gets a settlement. Whether it’s a small act of kindness or a major business decision, thinking about the broader consequences of our actions can lead to more compassionate and socially responsible outcomes.


Quincy M.E. offers more than just a glimpse into the world of forensic science; it provides a blueprint for thoughtful, ethical, and effective decision-making. By integrating Quincy’s methods into our personal and professional lives, we can make better decisions that not only benefit us but also positively impact those around us. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let’s remember the lessons from Dr. Quincy… And focus of integrity, empathy, and the relentless pursuit of truth.

Let’s make Jack Klugman proud.

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