Lessons in #UX and product design: Explaining design decisions

When you’re sharing your designs with stakeholders, it’s crucial to take the time to explain why and how you arrived at your design decisions. As a product designer, you possess a deep understanding of your choices, but let’s face it, stakeholders may not always be on the same page. So, it’s up to you to bridge that gap by providing a clear and comprehensive explanation.

Now, let’s start with the “why.” Articulating the reasons behind your design decisions helps stakeholders understand the problem-solving process you followed. By sharing insights into your objectives, user needs, and market research, you give them the context they need to evaluate your design effectively. This transparency establishes trust and showcases your expertise, proving that your decisions are rooted in a user-centered approach.

Moving on to the “how.” Explaining the methodologies, design principles, and feedback loops you employed not only educates stakeholders about the intricacies of the design process but also invites them to actively engage in the review process. By involving them in your design journey, you encourage their input, which can lead to valuable insights that might enhance the final product. Collaboration is key, my friends!

Furthermore, taking the time to explain your design decisions helps manage expectations and overcome potential resistance. Stakeholders may have their own preconceived notions or biases that could hinder their acceptance of your design. By addressing their concerns head-on and offering a well-reasoned justification, you’re not only alleviating their worries but also fostering a sense of shared purpose.

Remember, effective communication is your “secret weapon”. Use visuals, prototypes, and storytelling techniques to get your points across. Encourage questions and feedback during the review sessions to keep the dialogue flowing. By investing the time and effort in explaining the why and how behind your design decisions, you’ll not only elevate stakeholders’ understanding but also foster a more informed and fruitful collaboration, ultimately resulting in kick-ass product outcomes.

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