Doing your best in a crazy situation: Coronavirus lessons from Back to the Future

We live in heavy times.

If Doc Brown was a real person, he’s probably say, “For God sakes, Marty, don’t visit 2020!” As we have all witnessed, this year has been off the scale cray-cray. From Coronavirus to Killer Hornets to Australia on fire… Stop the world, I want to get off.

Thankfully, we have a lodestone, a North Star that we can be a role model to follow. A frightened teenager thrown into a situation out of his control, a man out of time… A young hero who needed to get back to the future.

Yes, Marty McFly is a figure we can look to in these troubled times. 45 years ago this month the original film was released, and the lessons that Marty (and the screenplay) show us are worth revisiting as good advice and guidance… at the very least.

So, here are five lessons we can take to heart, Marty – and we – need to keep moving on… To the future.

1: Get acclimated to the new normal (even if you don’t like it)

Yes, masks suck. Yes, social distancing is awkward and frustrating. But it could be worse. Imagine being through 30 years back in time, and not having the trappings of your everyday life to lean on. It’s harder to picture this now, but the delta between 1985 and 1955 was huge. That was Marty’s “new normal” for a while, and he had to adjust. What our “new normal” we be in anyone’s guess – I’m not a prognosticator of future events – But we need to adjust to whatever it may be. We might not like it, but we also need to realize it’s a big world… We just live in it.

2: Don’t be a butt-head

This is where empathy comes into play. Marty was absolutely self-centered in BTTF, but he never let that self-interest sour his attitude. Obviously he was VERY uncomfortable with his Mom coming on to him, but he always dealt with the multiple awkward situations with grace and kindness. As opposed to Biff, who was self-centered in the worst way possible throughout the film. In other words… Be like Marty, not like Biff.

3: Listen to the expert(s) – even if they are inconsistent and crazy

Marty always followed Docs advice, even if the advice was crazy. Also, when Doc changed his mind based on new situations, Marty followed along. The same thing has happened this year. Have experts been wrong? Haver models been inaccurate? YES, but that doesn’t mean we should question EVERYTHING. I’m all for a large dose of skepticism, but I also look at things with a pragmatic eye.

And the thing about experts are they are only as “smart” as the information they have to make decisions. As they (and we) learn more, better informed decisions can be made. So

4: Be smart about risk-taking

If you “genericize” the advice we have received regarding the Coronavirus, it’s effectively “Better safe than sorry.” Marty was never reckless in his actions, and he was very “present” when it came to what was going on even though he was in unfamiliar surroundings. He could have fought the Libyans, and then he would have been as “dead” as Doc Brown (spoilers: Doc got better).

5: Help people (and make connections)

Marty could have hid out, not engaged anyone in 1955, and stayed out of things. This actually was advised by Doc Brown, and was one of those pieces of advice that Marty couldn’t help but ignore. Because he had to get his Mom and Dad together. Yes, his very existence depended on it, but his kindness and helpfulness was not limited to his parents. He encouraged future Mayor Goldie Wilson, he helped the band at the Enchantment Under the Sea prom, and he also defended his father from Biff and his gang.

So, be like Marty – Don’t hide out and be afraid… Be out there as much as you can, and be kind.

So there you are, some lessons from Marty McFly to take forward in the crazy year that is 2020. Now make like a tree, and get out!

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