Month: September 2016

Joseph Dickerson

OK, maybe I spoke too soon. #NDvsTex

Joseph Dickerson

Enjoying a nice pinotage from South Africa while Texas beats Notre Dame like a rented mule.

Joseph Dickerson

I love at the beginning of all the #ESPN College games they compare the two teams, using meaningless numbers that are completely irrelevant.

Joseph Dickerson

“What’s all this I hear about Hermione wreaking havoc in Florida? She’s a sweet little Wizard who helps Harry…”
“What? Oh. Never mind.”

Joseph Dickerson

Visiting family, and my good friend BoJack Horseman…


Joseph Dickerson

Went to bed before the end of the game, and just saw the final Alabama/USC score. Yup, the #SEC is definitely overrated. #RollTide

Joseph Dickerson

And #UGA coming back to win the game. Suck it, biased ESPN announcers. #UGAvsUNC #GoDawgs

Joseph Dickerson

The announcers on the Georgia/North Carolina game are so pro-NC its not even funny. Completely annoying.

Joseph Dickerson

Watching footage of Nick Saban getting off the team bus, and I start humming the Imperial March. #RollTide

Joseph Dickerson

And Houston beat Oklahoma. Bye bye, National Championship.

Joseph Dickerson

WOW, Wisconsin upset LSU. So much for staying at number five…

Joseph Dickerson

First round of #LaborDayWeekend grilling: done. Steaks, salmon, burgers and corn on the cob. Round 2 on Monday.

Joseph Dickerson

College football is back. It helps.