Month: October 2015

Joseph Dickerson

Rainy, gloomy day in Atlanta.

Joseph Dickerson

Less than 5 pounds away from my target weight. 40 pounds lost in three months, courtesy of willpower and the #EatToLive diet.

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: UX and “Minimal Viable Design”

Joseph Dickerson

Writing on #UX stuff. Get ready for some blog posts on design, folks.

Joseph Dickerson

Courtesy my DVR, finally finished the Alabama/Tennessee game. Alabama won, but you can see they really need a bye week now. #RollTide

Joseph Dickerson

And, of course, after organizing all my cables, the one cable I need and was looking for has disappeared.

The way of all things.

Joseph Dickerson

Just spent a half hour organizing my cables. Because reasons. #ALittleADD

Joseph Dickerson

Rewatching #Curb. I think I may also be a Social Assassin.

Joseph Dickerson

This Week in #UX features the newest articles on user experience design: Stories via @Thecitizenng