Month: October 2015

Joseph Dickerson

“The tragedy of your times, my young friends, is you may get exactly what you want.” #HEAD

Joseph Dickerson

I don’t care what anybody says, the #Monkees movie HEAD is brilliant. Written by Jack Nicholson, even!

Joseph Dickerson

Watching the movie HEAD with the Monkees commentary track. Living the dream.

Joseph Dickerson

Got #Halo5 tonight for my sons. Hopefully the download/update will finish soon so they can start playing… #CrappyDSL #FirstWorldProblems

Joseph Dickerson

This rain is not helping my sinuses. Cut it out, will ya?

Joseph Dickerson

DC and Warner Brothers is sitting on a GOLD MINE. Make this movie, and you make a billion dollars.…

Joseph Dickerson

Everything you ever needed to know about vintage James Bond film posters (and possibly a good deal more) #007…

Joseph Dickerson

Oh, no! I just realized I will be traveling to Scotland when With Bob and Dave premieres on #Netflix! I may need to delay my travel.

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Sinatra – Basie, A Historic Musical First (on vinyl)

Joseph Dickerson

Doctors and lawyers: Computers are coming for your jobs, too –

Joseph Dickerson

Microsoft launches site to help Apple MacBook users switch to Surface Book…