Month: April 2014

Joseph Dickerson

Very flattered by the response my latest article for @uxmag is getting… Thanks, folks!…

Joseph Dickerson

Yup, definitely have a head cold. Thankfully I can work from my hotel room and avoid infecting others.

Joseph Dickerson

She’s not an absinthe-driven hallucination – Jane Fonda is twenty feet away from me. Fortunately, she’s not wearing a Barbarella outfit.

Joseph Dickerson

And in other news, Jane Fonda just walked into the restaraunt I’m at.

Joseph Dickerson

Discovered a restaraunt near my hotel that serves absinthe in the proper way. Uh-oh.

Joseph Dickerson

Drinking hot tea to help fight a potential head cold.

Just realized that’s an odd thing to say.
“That head cold has potential!”

Joseph Dickerson

An early happy birthday to my best pal down under @mull_against!

Joseph Dickerson

A good, not great, premiere. Setting the pieces on the board… #Madmen

Joseph Dickerson

Don Draper, you magnificent bastard. #MadMen

Joseph Dickerson

#TwinPeaks, 24 Years Later, Looks Better Than Ever

Joseph Dickerson

Two words:
Bacon. Candy.


Joseph Dickerson

Umm… OK.


Joseph Dickerson

My two computers are updated, meetings over, and my work day is done. Time for dinner and some tasty beverages.

Joseph Dickerson

Running slow this morning – I had a long day yesterday…