Month: April 2014

Joseph Dickerson

Something I will never buy: A 7 foot tall version of Kenner’s original Darth Vader action figure. Only $2400!…


Everyone is doing the whole AMA (Ask Me Anything) thing, so I thought I’d join in. I’m now on, and you can “AMA” here:

Some of my answers so far:

How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio station? The voices in my head usually drown out the signal. I thought the tinfoil would help, but, alas…

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it? You should look for love in all the wrong places, get addicted to it, have the look of love, and then ask our friends, “what about love?”

What magazines do you read? Wired, Popular Mechanics, Consumer Reports, Women’s Day.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people? I like to be around people who are alone.

What makes a person “good”? The amount of seasoning applied and being cooked at the proper temperature… Oh, wait, I think you were asking about something else.

Joseph Dickerson

One more meeting and then I’m off to Cleveland. People of Ohio, consider yourself warned.

Joseph Dickerson

I’ve been on Twitter for six years, as of today. Time sure flies when you’re wasting it on twitter…

Joseph Dickerson

Holy animated Batmobile dashboard, Batman!


Joseph Dickerson

If only I could stop at seven…


Joseph Dickerson

Taking a break at lunch to visit the Toonseum in downtown Pittsburgh. Yes, @MikeLRinehart, I’m visiting another museum…

Joseph Dickerson

Meeting with down under team done, I am now drinking a hot toddy and will soon be blissfully unconscious.

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Home of the Brave, by Laurie Anderson.

Joseph Dickerson

Analyzing data before I jump on a conference call to a team in Australia. And trying not to cough my lungs out. #headcold

Joseph Dickerson

It’s 38 degrees and snowing here in Pittsburgh. The perfect accompaniment to a head cold.