The top 10 innovation sites

As a technologist and UX Lead for one of the world’s biggest software companies, I spend a lot of time reading about the latest trends in innovation and tech. How do I do it? I have a short list of sites I visit on a regular basis, and I thought you would like to see that list as well. Here it is (with a bonus link at the end I particularly like, for reasons you’ll soon note):


The TED conference features a lot of very smart people talking about a range of different topics, but innovation is always consistently represented (and presented).

Innovation Excellence

A great site with lots of posts on how many of the top companies in the world focus on innovation.


TechCrunch is a news site plugged into silicon valley, and covers startups and established companies.

Patently Apple

Not everything Apple patents will ever be released, but it doesn’t hurt to see what they are thinking about. Everything the innovative company files and is granted a patent for is listed here:

Popular Mechanics

The magazine focuses mostly on hardware, but there’s lots of innovation present in every issue. The website features all the content from past issues as well as news and videos.


Wired has lots of great online-only content about technology and culture – a good place to look to see some of the moral and ethical issues involving the latest innovations (such as Google Glass).


Where can you find a lot of today’s most innovative thinkers? Look to Kickstarter: There you will find new products in the formative stage – these kickstarted campaigns can provide insight into where things are going.

Tech News Daily

“Tech news written for non-technical people” is this site’s slogan, and they live up to it: A lot of helpful insights that will not make your eyes glaze over due to technobabble.

Forbes’ Innovation and Science section

Forbes covers innovation with a focus on business and process, and I like reading the science content they provide as well.


Grant McCracken is a very smart man, and he’s written a lot about innovation design and culture. His site has got a lot of random thoughts (like mine) but there’s some great ideas here.

This Week in Innovation

This list goes to 11, because I’m also listing my newest website, This Week in Innovation. This Week in Innovation aggregates stories from many of the above websites, giving you a snapshot of what is “top of mind” in the innovation space. It comes out every week (naturally) and can be read here:

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