Day: June 10, 2013

Joseph Dickerson

This is a lot more casual keynote than in the past. They seem to be very confident about what they are bringing to the table. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

The back-end services that they are describing could potentially double battery life in the next version of OSX. HUGE. #WWDC

Joseph Dickerson

Holy crap, using the AppleTV as an alternate full-screen display looks to be a hugely useful feature. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Tags look incredibly useful for power users, don’t see it being big for consumers. I’ve had Finder Tabs thru TotalFinder for years. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

The cats are gone… the next OSX is OS X Mavericks. #WWDC

Joseph Dickerson

Right now the investors of Anki are jumping up and down and cheering. What a great spotlight/opportunity for any company… #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

The sound you aren’t hearing across America: tech people doing their jobs. We’re all watching the #WWDC keynote…

Joseph Dickerson

Was gonna post a #UX article today, but between the #WWDC keynote and #XBoxE3 announcement… no one would be paying attention.

Joseph Dickerson

WWDC 2013 Keynote Live Video Stream Available via Apple’s Website

Joseph Dickerson

6 Most Common #UX Mistakes

Joseph Dickerson

#Madmen was SOO good tonight. Setting all of the pieces in place for an impressive season finale. Two more episodes left…