Day: June 10, 2013

Joseph Dickerson

Parallax, depth and motion that makes it a “3D” UI. Readability may be an issue on some screens, though. #ios7 #WWDC

Joseph Dickerson

OK, that’s gorgeous. #iOS7 #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

“Design is the whole thing… the way it works, on so many levels. Design defines our experience.” #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Interesting to see that more customers are “very satisfied” with Windows Phone than Android… #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

You can edit a keynote doc in the browser on Windows?! You now have my attention, iWork in the cloud. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Microsoft announces new Xbox 360 console based on Xbox One design & two free games a month for Gold Live members:

Joseph Dickerson

This iWork in the cloud… Meh. Cool tech, but I’ll just use my desktop apps, thank you very much. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

The market is liking the #wwdc keynote, but not a lot… APPL is up almost $4 a share, but they were up almost $6 earlier today.

Joseph Dickerson

The Mac Pro is assembled right here in the USA. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

If I was doing any professional video I’d put all new hardware purchases on hold until the MacPro comes out. The specs are sick. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

The new Mac Pro looks crazy. Beautiful, sleek… it’s looks like a race car. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Holy cow… the new 13″ Macbook Air battery life will last 12 hours. Time to upgrade. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Phil Schiller… here comes new hardware. Starting with Macbook Air… #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Oh, and BTW… the Apple store is down. Something is gonna be released today. #duh #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

Lots of integration between iPhone & OS X. Really making the case for having/using only Apple hardware. Will it work? Maybe, for some. #wwdc

Joseph Dickerson

‘With iCloud Keychain, your passwords are always available to you… and the NSA.” #WWDC