Twitter Updates for 2011-11-08

  • Heading back to the states for a while for work… A semi-unexpected turn, and one I'm happy about. #
  • Head of Google says that Siri is a threat to their "fully armed and operational battle station." Many Bothans were unavailable for comment. #
  • Now, to watch ALIENS on blu for the first time. #gameoverman #gameover #
  • Marlee, I love ya, but Sigourney shoulda won best actress. No question. #ALIENS #
  • Can you imagine ALIENS done with CGI sets and effects? I know. I can't either.

    Please, Cameron, never Lucas this film. #

  • Wow, ALIENS on bluray looks and sounds fantastic. My new demo disc for my home theatre system. #
  • Just read that they are going to make a Where's Waldo movie.

    Aim high, Hollywood. Aim high.
    #dumbassideathemovie #

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