Month: July 2011

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-21

Just bought Space:1999 Series One on DVD # William Shatner kicked off Google+ for 'saying hello' too much # Your Screenplay Opening # The Beastie Boys' epic 11-minute music video pits G.I. Joes against zombies #…

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-20

‘Aliens’ Was Released Twenty-Five Years Ago Today # If you ever wondered what I looked like in a Star Trek uniform… Well, wonder no more: #MaryforDehner # RT @bleedingcool: Torchwood Loses 30% Of Its Audience In Week Two…

Make her Dehner!

My friend, the actress Mary Czerwinski, is a Star Trek fan. A BIG Star Trek fan. So she very much wants a part in the next Star Trek movie. To that end, she has created a website called Make me…

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-12

Apple to reportedly add second iPad manufacturer to meet ‘iPad HD’ demand this fall # The 2012 London Olympics trying to get Paul and Ringo to perform together, is reportedly offering them $3000 #obscure # Ran errands all morning…