Quick Movie Reviews – The Social Network, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Inception, and Greenberg

One of the benefits of the 14 hour flight to Sydney is I can catch up on movies that I had been unable to see due to my work and family commitments, thanks to in-seat entertainment center. Here’s some quick thoughts of what I watched:


Well, I know what movie Hal Ashby would be making today if he was still around – Greenberg. An interesting character study about a man played by Ben Stiller who is uncomfortable with – well, everything. So many independent films tend to be pretentious and overwritten – this was, thankfully, not so. Not great, but very good. Stiller almost makes up for the Focker movies with this performance. Almost.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I totally get the tone that they were aiming for and I appreciate the effort and the talent involved… but it just did not work at all with me. It’s not a bad movie by any means… it just left me cold. I guess I’m too old, or not in the target audience, or something. Oh well.

The Social Network

As I am very familiar with the story behind Facebook, I was not as impressed with the film as so many others are. I appreciate the writing by Aaron Sorkin and the directing of David Fincher but to me it feels… well, small. It’s has more of a TV-movie vibe than a movie – and it is lacking a true protagonist to empathize with and root for. It just feels detached, empty… much like Mark Zuckerberg.


The best of what I saw… engrossing, involving and with a lot simpler plotline than many make it out to be. I actually have seen this twice now – and yes, I appreciate the irony that the first time I watched it I was on a plane for LA to Sydney. Not as “rewatchable” (and I don’t think it will age as well) as Christopher Nolan’s previous epic The Dark Knight, but still a rousing piece of entertainment.

Oh, and the top falls at the end.

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