Year: 2009

Photos: The Sydney Opera House

Thanks to a recent business trip I had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful city of Sydney Australia. As a big fan of architecture and design, a must-stop was the phenominal Sydney Opera House. I would write mote about the…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-11

At the Vancouver airport for a layover – my trip to Austrailua is almost half-way over. #exausted # See how tired I am? I can't even spell "Australia"… # In Sydney, Australia. Unfortunately my checked bag – with all my…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-09

Having problems with the VPN software on my work laptop – which is fine, because I'm not traveling for business or anything. Oh, wait… # RT @Trekmovie NEW ARTICLE: JJ Abrams Talks Star Trek Sequel, Shatner, Nimoy, Nick Meyer &…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-08

Considering replacing my Twitter picture with one of a cute woman in an desperate attempt to get more followers. # Four usability tests down, two more to go. Good stuff so far. #UX # One more usability test. Already seeing,…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-07

@SPGrumpypants Cool, I appreciate consistent design. So, are you a genius like a couple of my Chicago pals? in reply to SPGrumpypants # Rain during #atl rush hour = 10+ more minutes of drive time. Sigh. # Today's life lesson:…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-06

Ah, yes, nothing makes a day start off better than lots and lots of paperwork… #sarcasm # Ready for tomorrow's usability testing… I think. # AHH… That's better. # Unboxing photos of… a job offer packet from Apple. #…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-05

Prepping designs for a usability test this week. #UX # Today is the 40th anniversary of Monty Python's # Flying Circus! It's… # Presentation for #mobile findings readout created in record time thanks to Omnigraffle. Hooray for well-designed software! #…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-04

RT @BaldMan Reading MockApp: iPhone prototyping ME: Excellent, looking at it now… #UX # Just uploaded my pics from Edgar Allan Poe's house and grave and the Homicide shooting location # About to watch Zombieland… Zombie comedy FTW!…