Month: October 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-05

Prepping designs for a usability test this week. #UX # Today is the 40th anniversary of Monty Python's # Flying Circus! It's… # Presentation for #mobile findings readout created in record time thanks to Omnigraffle. Hooray for well-designed software! #…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-04

RT @BaldMan Reading MockApp: iPhone prototyping ME: Excellent, looking at it now… #UX # Just uploaded my pics from Edgar Allan Poe's house and grave and the Homicide shooting location # About to watch Zombieland… Zombie comedy FTW!…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-03

Looking forward to copious amounts of college football today. # OK, Georgia, a little bit of… what is it called again? Oh, yeah, OFFENSE. That would be good about now. # And now, upon viewing the conclusion of the Georgia-LSU…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-02

@dcurtis And all glory is fleeting, too. #patton in reply to dcurtis # Follow friday @UEWriter @Internet_Summit #Footenotes @FrankConniff @Kimsnedaker @Televixen and @DVDGeeks. Why should you? Why not? # I had a nightmare that I was a contestant on Password…

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-01

Impatiently waiting for Marriott to open up their #dragoncon registration page… And yes, I am booking a hotel room 11 months early. # @amyhillman Business cases for switching to a mac: # Hooray! Dropbox for the iPhone is out!…