Twitter Updates for 2009-09-08

  • The adrenaline that kept me going during #dragoncon has exhausted itself… Frak, I'm tired. #
  • Hooray! Here's a fix on how to get ChoicePoint VPN to work on Snow Leopard: #apple #snowleopard #
  • RT @thinkgeek "Today in Geek History: In 1966, Star Trek 1st airs on NBC." ME: Happy 43rd birthday, Star Trek! Crap, we're both getting old. #
  • RT @patricknorton: Notice how slow flickr is? It's the traffic on @jollyroger's pix from DragonCon: #
  • OK, Zaslow wore a blue shirt but, still… he WAS the first death we saw under Kirk's command… #startrek #
  • RT @BreakingNews Army Archerd who wrote the popular "Just for Variety" column in the Daily Variety for 52 years, has died from cancer age 87 #

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