Confirmed – Galactica is headed for the big screen, directed by Bryan Singer

Well, Universal just confirmed – They will be doing a big-budget version of Battlestar Galactica with Bryan Singer directing. It will be a “reboot,” ignoring the show that Ron Moore and David Eick has brought to us the last five years.

Hmm. Maybe Starbuck will be a guy again…

I react to this news not with excitement, but incredible trepidation. Bryan Singer kinda went to Director Jail with me after his incredibly awkward and boring Superman Returns. The Sci-Fi series is still, affectively, not even done yet (the Cylon-based tv-movie The Plan airs later this year) and the BSG spinoff Caprica is going to series next year. Galactica is not Star Trek, where multiple series took place in the same timeline/universe… and something tells me that if JJ Abrams recent Star Trek reboot had not made a boat-load of money this would never have been considered.

I look back at the timeline of all these franchises and smile: Galactica was created in direct response to the success of Star Wars (Lucas even sued), and Star Trek: the Motion Picture was elevated from a sequel TV series to a big-budget film for the same reason. Now, Galactica is being promoted to the big screen because of the success of… Star Trek.

All this has happened before, and will happen again.

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