For Animation fans, Tom and Jerry: The Chuck Jones collection is a must-own

Just picked up the just-released collection of Tom and Jerry cartoon shorts directed by one of my favorites, the late great Chuck Jones, and if you are a fan of animation and Jones, this is a must own for a couple of reasons. First, and obviously, it collects all 34 shorts Jones did for MGM – including a favorite, The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R. (a crafty James Bond and Man from U.N.C.L.E. parody).

Second, and the reason it was a no-brainer for me, is it includes the short documentary Chuck Jones: Memories of a Childhood, which appeared on cable earlier this year. This short film features extensive interview footage of Jones in his final days, and if you aren’t crying (and maybe smiling) by the end of it there is no hope for you. I wish there was a youtube clip I could show you, but all I can do is direct you to the Amazon page for the DVD that features a clip from the movie.

Highly recommended.

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