Crazy LOST theory re: Daniel Faraday… SPOILERS!

UPDATE: Well, if you saw the LOST season five finale you know that my theory was Completely Wrong. I’m keeping this blog entry online for future reference so everyone will know how Wrong I was.

OK, so last week we saw Daniel Faraday die, in 1977… shot by his own mother, of all people… Now, my question is…

When is he coming back?

You may be thinking, “Joe, you are crazy. The producers of the show have said, repeatedly, ‘Dead is dead.’ You die on the island, you die….”


Earlier this season, we saw a group from Ajira flight 316 that are some “renegade team,” (probably) NOT Others (maybe surviving Dharma peeps?) , gather around a really big container that was on the flight with them. There were rumors/ideas that this box contained a body (some said it was Charles Widmore, before later episodes showed it could not be him due to the timing of events we saw).

What if the renegade group, the “shadow of the statue” people, DID bring a body with them… What if it’s Faraday, who was put in suspended animation in 1977?

I know, it sounds ludicrous… but what is Faraday is Special, just like Locke? What if Richard Alpert visited him as a child just like he did Locke (notice the flash of recognition on Faraday’s face last week when he first saw him)? What if The Others “saved” Faraday, and then this renegade group “stole” him?

And what if Faraday’s mother KNOWS, the only way to possibly save him is the resurrection power of the Island? Is SHE involved with this group as well?

Like the title of this post notes, it’s a CRAZY theory, but I have the sneaking suspicion that we have not seen the last of Mr. D. Faraday…

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