Favorite quotes from SXSW…

So far…

“Comedy is like a song – it has a setup, a moment and then a punchline. It has a point and then it’s done. And people either like it, they get it – or they don’t.” – BJ Novak, The Office.

“We don’t need an idea depository, we need an idea suppository – to take those great ideas and get them out of the room and bring them to life.” – from the Entrepreneurship in the Belly of the beast panel.

“F*** the cupcakes.”

“Banks are Evil.” – CEO of Mint.com

“Once you show the leaderboard you create a new motivation – to get to the top. That is a problem, because people start to game the system. It creates an incentive for bad behavior.” – Design for the Wisdom of Crowds panel.

“If you know you’re going to come out with a prediction that’s wrong, keep working on your f***ing model.” – Nate Silver

“Harry Potter web site is just another dead tree – all the web native stuff is in the corner – it’s beautiful, but it’s print in disguise. Same for the Washington post – headlines dominate and web content is buried. Headlines are a commodity – they can’t break away from the structure of the format of the paper itself.” – Everything you know about Web Design is Wrong panel.

“Everybody doesn’t need to be a crook – but there needs to be crooks.”

“If you want to truly test a man, don’t take things away from him, give him power.” – James Powderly

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