Reax to Battlestar Galactica’s Cylon data dump “No Exit”

Well, if you are a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica and missed this past Friday’s episode, you missed a lot. Seriously, A LOT.

Basically, the entire story-line/history of the Cylons was presented, narratively, throughout the episode – it was an essential part of the puzzle, one that is coming together, with only five episodes to go, to reveal… that all this has happened before, and will happen again. It was exposition-dense and action-light, but still a good episode.

Here’s a recap, for all you peeps who don’t have 45 minutes to spare:

If you did not see the show you also missed John Hodgman (PC from the Apple ads, and noted author and humorist) appear as a brain surgeon. Hodgman visited the set over three years ago – here’s his report on the experience.

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