EVEN MORE screen caps from the new Star Trek trailer… and a rant.

Paramount, again, lemme remind you: you coulda done a day-and-date release of the Star Trek trailer on-line and on the web, like Warner Brothers did with Watchmen, but NOOOOO… you want to release it on Monday and premiere it on Entertainment Tonight… Maybe it’s just me, but aren’t trailers PROMOTIONAL VEHICLES for your movies? All you are doing is making people rush out and buy tickets for… a rival studio’s movie (the new James Bond film). And even then, it’s not shown with all screenings of the film. Weak sauce.

Fans want to SEE THIS TRAILER NOW. Heck, I’m spending my OWN MONEY using my OWN BANDWIDTH to promote YOUR MOVIE by posting stills from the bootleg trailer. If you start sending cease-and-desists out (which I fully expect) you may lose some good word of mouth… and that could all have been prevented, if ya just had released a HD trailer. Today.

Anyway, more geeky screen grabs from a less-than-perfect but pretty good bootleg:

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