25 minutes of Watchmen footage shown – all viewing were impressed…

Late to this, but last week director Zack Snyder showed 25 minutes to select press (Internet and “professional” types) of the forthcoming movie adaptation of the BEST. COMIC. EVER. which is Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s Watchmen.

Here’s CHUD’s take.

Here’s Moriarty from AICN’s opinion.

Finally, here’s reax from First Showing.net.

Y’know, it’s times like these when I’m TOTALLY FREAKIN’ JEALOUS of the big fishes in the Internet geek community that they get this type of opportunity (I’m not even a zygote of geekdom compared to them). However, I’m incredibly encouraged that everyone likes it and that the dark spirit of the original work appears to shine through. Though this writer thinks that it may be TOO faithful to the original to gain any respectable audience.

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