Quick thoughts about Dragon*con (the third)

Nathan Fillion is a silly silly man. At the Firefly panel he responded to a question about what girl Mal would have ended up with and he replied, “no, no, that’s the kiss of death for any show, when the sexual tension is released between the main characters. If that ever happens, our show will be canceled!”

Reminded that “Nathan, we WERE canceled,” he then landed a huge lip lock on Morena Baccarin… And then attempted to kiss Jewel Staite and Adam Tudyk…

UPDATE: Video! Click to go to the youtube page of a guy who posted the whole panel!


James Randi has shrunk consideably since the last time I met him.

The costume contest had 47 entries, 15 of which were good, 5 which were REALLY good. My favorite: Iron Man, which was a guy in a costume shaped like a giant clothes iron, courtesy of Starch Enterprises. Nice.

Well, off to Eddy Olmos’ panel (we bonded so I feel I can call him that now). But look! More photos!

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