Steve Jobs, forgive me…

… I just bought my wife a new computer, and it wasn’t a mac.

To be fair, she has never wanted a mac, and has resisted the constant propaganda I had thrown her way since I switched a few years back. If I replaced her old HP computer with a Mac Mini I’d an iMac she would have raised a great ruckus, so I bought a $329 Compaq. Running Vista.

And, Jobs help me, I love it.

It’s fast, the new Ui is gorgeous, the media player and photo gallery programs are really nice… And so on. All for about half the cost of the Mac Mini or the original coat of the iPhone.

Have to say, with Vista finally to the point where users are beginning to accept it, and after some of the mistakes Apple made with the new iPhone rollout and software problems plaguing both it and Mobile Me… I may not ever “switch back,” but Vista is now a viable option to me.

Steve, you better have a new Special Event soon, cause you’re beginning to lose me…

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