More quick hits re: the Official Star Trek Convention…

Richard Kiel and his wife are very nice people.

Suzie Plaxton is gorgeous.

Creation Entertainment, who runs the covention, would probably charge you to urinate if they could figure out a way to do it.

I lost $15 on the slot machines. I suck at games of chance.

Vegas is Frakkin’ Expensive. Combine the higher costs of, well, everything, with dozens of places for me to get my geek on – well, my wallet was screaming by the time I left. And I was there less than 24 hours.

Connor Trinneer is very nice guy.

Some other celebs… Not so much.

Obese middle-aged women would NOT try and pull off the original series skirt uniform. This should be made part of a contract all convention attendees need to sign.

More stray thoughts still to come…


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