Month: July 2008

Watchmen Trailer preview… wow.

I’m excited about The Dark Knight, as is every-red-blooded geek on this great big blue ball we call Earth, but I’m even more excited about what we will see in front of the film: The trailer for Watchmen, based on…

Some GREAT nuWho news, if true…

In one of the episodes coming up in 2010, according to blog Lying in the Gutters, we’ll see the return of a familiar face:   Yup, that’s Tom Baker. Who he will be playing (pun unintentional) is unknown.

How appropriate… Star Trek: Sombreroprise…

I wonder if the universe does not revolve around me sometimes. Here I am, on vacation in San Antonio, TX for a week, and THIS is posted on-line: [youtube]kST-4agoLKg[/youtube] I’m off to buy a model of the Sombreroprise right now…

Delayed postings due to travel…

Two days of driving later, I am now firmly ensconced in a suite with the wife and brood in San Antonio, Texas. I will continue my semi-normal sporadic postings momentarily. For the two people who normally read my blog, my apologizes.