Is the new X-Files movie horrible? Many, many think so (SPOILERS)

Well, the “buzz” for the new X-Files movie is pretty horrendous, and the Rotten Tomatoes rating is a FAIL-reflecting 28% positive. Which I would normally say “what a shame, I’m disappointed” but you know, I just don’t care enough to express such a sentiment. The show jumped the shark two years before it ended and I stopped caring about the same time the producers and writers did.

A reviewer on Ain’t It Cool even spent the majority of her review spoiling the entire plot, just so the readers would avoid the film this weekend and save their hard-earned money (me, I’ll just see The Dark Knight again).

Here’s the ultimate spoiler from her review (which I recommend you read, it’s very good – the review, that is): the last scene of the film, described as “fanbase-killing awful”.

The end credits feature a too-bouncy remix of Mark Snow’s “X-Files” theme over shots of the snowscapes we’ve been seeing for the entire film. Gradually, the snow melts into water. Suddenly, mid-credits, you’re flying over a sunny tropical seascape. A tiny rowboat sneaks into view. It contains a shirtless Mulder and a bikini-clad Scully — apparently on some sort of post-horrorshow, relationship-healing vacation, where I guess they’ll while away the days sipping rum punch until the aliens land.

The camera pauses over them, looking down — and they look up and wave.

Wow. That’s… ahem… true to the characters…

Stick a fork in it, she’s done.

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