Watch out for these cons… no, not that type of con…

Well, Comic Con in San Diego started today. It’s one of those “geek meccas” that I have always wanted to travel to, but my initial idea of finally going there this year gave way to less-geeky, more practical concerns – my middle son needed a new set of bedroom furniture and on top of that, we had two couches were falling apart. My pragmatic choice was that new furniture was a better use of my money than a trip out west (that furniture will arrive, ironically, on Saturday, the busiest day of SDCC).

I do have some consolation, in that next weekend I will be traveling to Oregon for a week on business and on my return leg I have a layover in Vegas – the same weekend that the official Star Trek Convention takes place. So I’ll have 1/2 of one day on site there – not much, but I’ll take what I can get.

(I’ll also hook up with my old pal John Champion, the guru behind DVD Geeks – he’ll be covering the con for his show).

The REAL treat of that trip is a true geek mecca – Star Trek: The Experience, which sadly is closing in September, is at the same hotel I am staying (and the convention is there as well) and is my first stop. Can’t wait.

Yes, my geek-fu is strong. Go wiki it.

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