My geekiest day… ever?

First, I started my day off by watching the third episode of Twin Peaksthe one with the backward talking midget and the dancing at  the end.


Then, a trip to the Georgia Environmental Center. It has some great exhibits on water reclimation and aquifers and… well, my sons liked it.

And immediately thereafter, a trip to my local comic shop for Free Comics Day! Yay! Free Comics!

Then a quick lunch my three sons and I took in a showing of Iron Man. I may post a more detailed review later but suffice it to say I agree with the over 90% positive review of the movie on Rotten Tomatoes. Will see it again with the wife next weekend.

Picked up a 12″ Indiana Jones action figure on the way home, inspired by the new trailer I saw in front of ol’ Shellhead’s movie.

Fixed dinner for the family and then we all watched two episodes from Doctor Who series 2 on DVD.

Then watched a documentary on the making of the Back to the Future movies as I discovered that Jack Kirby had once done a unpublished comic book based on my favorite TV show The Prisoner

Wrapped up my night by watching the newest episode of nuWho on Youtube (click this for a link to the first part)…. Brilliant.

And… I’m spent. The only way my day could be any geekier is if did the above activities wearing a Star Trek uniform. Which I didn’t.

Maybe next weekend.

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