G.I.Joe the Movie script review – Semi-exclusive excerpts!

OK, here’s some excerpts from a review of the shooting script for the new live-action G.I.Joe movie. Latino Review, the authors of the script, pulled it at the request of Paramount. Well, since I’m in the mood to snub the studio that, as a part of the AMPTP, are at odds with the Writers Guild of America (whose strike I support), I’m posting an excerpt of the review. I AM CUTTING OUT A MAJOR SPOILER OR TWO, but the sentiment is intact.

If Paramount e-mails me and asks me to pull it, I will (I do NOT want to be sued), but I’m still surprised they don’t get the whole “viral market” potential around this film. There are scores of Joe fans who are more than willing to give this film some free publicity, and they request a script review be pulled? Come on. GIVE THE FANS HOPE. They will provide countless opportunities to promote your film FOR FREE, and word-of-mouth is a huge thing for any film, large or small (I’ve already done my part to “promote” the new Star Trek film and last year’s Transformers).

The more media venues you try and control, the more will slip through your fingers.

Anyway, UPDATED: Sorry, I got the request to pull it and so it’s pulled. The review is still “out there” if you know where to look. My above arguements still hold, however – Paramount, don’t hide your light under a bushel, if this movie is shaping up to be good then take all the free publicity you can…

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