The Braves are coming…

I have commented from time to time on how much things have changed nearby since I moved into my house here in Dacula, Georgia a little over 12 years ago.

When we moved in there was two gas station, a grocery store and a fast food joint nearby, just off I-85. Less than two years later, a huge subdivision was built around my small little cul de sac. Then, they announced that the biggest mall in the Southeast was going to be built two miles south of my house.

Traffic has, obviously, increased (as did property values but that is about to end, and badly I’m afraid).

Now, the most recent development: The AAA team in the Atlanta Braves farm system is leaving Richmond Virginia after over 30 years.

And moving to Gwinnett County.

Where I live.

Less than 5 miles away, to be precise.

My thoughts? Well, the libertarian in me is concerned about the taxes that are going to go to build the stadium, and I’m naturally concerned about even MORE traffic… But the baseball fan in me, thinking about the opportunity to watch semi-pro baseball on a regular basis…

Bring it on. Especially the $1 hot dog nights…

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