Wow… the Wii Zapper is something

Got a Wii Zapper accessory on Wednesday, and I think that Nintendo has another hit on its hand. Basically, the Zapper is a handle/holder for the Wii wireless controller and nunchuck attachment that acts like an arcade light gun. The ergonomics are fantastic, and the enclosed game, a crossbow game featuring the Link character from Zelda, is worth the price of the unit alone…

I was so happy with the purchase that this morning I got Ghost Squad, Medal of Honor 2: Heroes and another zapper (so my son Hunter and I can tag-team). Both games are designed with the zapper in mind and… well, let me try and minimize the hyperbole a bit…

It’s the most fun I’ve had with the Wii since I bought it. I think that Medal of Honor especially works fantastic with the zapper control scheme, and it feels like – well, I’m actually shooting something. Which is the first time I have EVER played a FPS that actually made me feel like I was on the field of play, gun in hand. I can’t wait to see what future games come out that take advantage of the accessory, and Nintendo has extended it’s license to print money for many more months.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s an enemy U-boat I have to blow up.. Maybe I’ll put it through the Wii’s video out to my projector…

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