Yes, Virginia, I have an iPhone…


The object of my desire, along with my son Mike…

I broke down and got one two weeks after the bloody thing came out. I had decided to sell qute a few collectibles on ebay for a month to help pay for the apple of my eye (ahem) and was able to score a nice end-bid on a couple of things rather quickly. So, when my ebay sales totals and free cash reached the Bob Barker point, the last vestigal traces of my willpower collapsed upon itself.

Remember when McCoy accidently injected himself with that psychedelic drug on Star Trek?

Yeah, it was kinda like that…

So, how is it? Well, it’s fantastic. After a month of use I couldn’t see myself living without it very comfortably.

BUT… it’s a first draft product.

I may not be the only person who has ever used this metaphor before, so bear with me if you’ve heard this one before: Apple sells drafts, not final products. Some time they sell rough story treatments (iWeb 1.0), other times they deliver rather complete could-be-published-tomorrow stories (MacBookPro, the new iMac). The iPhone is somewhere in-between. It “feels” like a 1st generation production, with some rather obvious features lacking (video, advanced calendars, to-dos, iMap mail support) and some annoying bugs (even after the update pushed out a couple of weeks back the browser still crashes, though far less frequently than it did).

I have every confidence that there will be future fantastic enhancements for the iPhone, and all of the above criticisms, however slight, will be resolved. And don’t get me wrong, the damn thing is like a damn Tricorder device in my hand, it’s that cool.

I only wish that power-users such as myself had gotten more bang for the buck the first time around.

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