DVDs and commentaries…

Mark Evanier has a great posting about DVD releases and creator commentaries. The basic gist of it is that, in the short-sighted Hollywood of today, a lot of DVD producers try and cut corners and save money in the initial release of classic movies and TV shows on DVD – only to release “ultimate” or “platinum” editions a couple of years later. Which is all well and good… save for the fact that the crew and actors who worked on a lot of these films are not immortal and may not be around to contribute to any “ultimate” edition years later…

I only hope that when my second-favorite show of all time Man from U.N.C.L.E. comes to DVD the poducers of the set spend lot of time rolling tape on David McCallum, Robert Vaughn and as many people involved in the show as they can… because they aren’t exactly spring chickens.

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