Joseph Dickerson

Wow, NBC is showing the SNL episode that Shatner hosted… The Get A Life sketch is starting now, and still just kills.

Joseph Dickerson

20 Adobe Photoshop Plugins You Might Want to Download

Joseph Dickerson

How Lego Became The Apple Of Toys

Joseph Dickerson

Ordered that $79 Windows tablet, cause it has a free year of Office 365, but I now have enough tablets. This makes 5. #hoarder #techie

Joseph Dickerson

Found out I may have to travel to South Carolina & Greece again this month and next, in addition to trips to Seattle, Phoenix, & DC. Jeez.

Joseph Dickerson

Left my headphones AND my electric toothbrush in the hotel in VA Thursday. Called and they didn’t find them. Again, #firstworldproblems

Joseph Dickerson

Just noticed that Delta reset my mile number on January. And I was SO CLOSE to Diamond status. Rats. #firstworldproblems

Joseph Dickerson

Just booked a trip to London for early April. First time I’ll ever go there.

Joseph Dickerson

Chatting with an old friend – which I should do more often.

Joseph Dickerson

Why am I still working? Oh, yeah, deadlines, got it.