Joseph Dickerson

Open registration for San Diego Comic Con is tomorrow. And once again, I will not be going. Still on the bucket list, though. #SDCC

Joseph Dickerson

Steve Martin Performed Stand-up Last Night for the First Time in 35 Years…

Joseph Dickerson

This turned out pretty well. #ThePrisoner


Joseph Dickerson

Got my youngest son’s passport renewed today. His new photo shows how excited he was to be there…


Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Deep, by Peter Murphy.

Joseph Dickerson

The new This Week in #Geek is available now!

Joseph Dickerson

Installing the newest #Windows10 preview 14267 on my Dell tablet. #bleedingedge

Joseph Dickerson

Some travel to China and Greece may be in my future… Working to hit every continent before I hit 50.

Joseph Dickerson

I will personally give Ridley Scott ten dollars from my own pocket to NOT do this. C’mon Ridley! TEN US DOLLARS!…

Joseph Dickerson

“What happens when you cross an joke with a rhetorical question?” and other jokes for smart people:…

Joseph Dickerson

Original 1977 Star Wars 35mm print has been restored and released online…