Joseph Dickerson

Oscars 2016: ‘In Memoriam’ segment forgets Abe Vigoda…

Joseph Dickerson

Wholesale copying from Stravinsky, Dvorak and Prokofiev will do that.…

Joseph Dickerson

Just saw a report that Cruz is potentially cutting deal to drop out if Rubio appoints him to #Scotus. Interesting…

Joseph Dickerson

Based on my feed, #MadMax is crushing it at the #Oscars.

Oh, what a day… What a lovely day!

Joseph Dickerson

Tempted to start watching #Oscars to live-snark, but I have an early presentation w/ a client in Greece, so I will abstain. #humblebrag

Joseph Dickerson

Still angry that Patrick McGoohan was’t nominated for #Braveheart or listed in the In Memorium segment. Won’t be watching. #Oscars

Joseph Dickerson

Review of All 6 Movies In the ‘Psycho’ Series –

Joseph Dickerson

Today’s album: Piano Man, by Billy Joel (on vinyl).