Category: Uncategorized

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-09

LA Times on the top 10 G.I.Joe vehicles: # @Televixen Really? s'taht looc! Llet mih ih rof em! in reply to Televixen # Happy mother's day to mothers everywhere! Not to bad mothers, like Shaft, though. # My son…

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-07

Just realized that, given the opportunity, I'd be a really bad Jedi. # Wow, ABC, a LOST Dharma Party kit for the finale? Disney marketing magic at work. # Coming June 2011: Rise of the Planet of the Apes!…

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-02

Finally got to the ipad store… err, I mean, the Apple store today. $30 for an ipod touch case? Umm… No. # I heart Banksy. # @whovian99 Great Scott! in reply to whovian99 # 28 Smurfs Later… #…