Category: Movies

I love movies, and write about them often – here’s all my writing on film.

Watch: The Ninth Configuration

One of my favorite underrated films is The Ninth Configuration, directed and written by William Peter Blatty. It starred Stacy Leach and Scott (The Walking Dead) Wilson, and I previously wrote about it for my Neglected Cinema series. Someone has uploaded the whole movie to YouTube, and its a great way to spend an hour and a half.

Here it is:

VIDEO: Vintage Kenner Star Wars toy commercials

I’m being especially nostalgic today, and stumbled upon this compilation of classic commercials for Kenner’s Star Wars toys. Ah, memories. I had a lot of the toys featured in these ads, but lost most of them when my mom cleaned out my closet without asking (I still remind her of this occasionally). I played the living heck out of the Droid Factory. Never had the Death Star Playset, remote controlled Sandcrawler, or Troop Transport, though.