Month: November 2016

Joseph Dickerson

Happy “Half-price candy day” everyone!

Joseph Dickerson

Watching I was a Teenage Werewolf. Because, Michael Landon. And it takes place on #Halloween! And because nothing else was on.

Joseph Dickerson

I think Scooby Doo has a speech impediment.

Don’t judge. He’s just as good as any other talking dog.

Joseph Dickerson


Joseph Dickerson

Not one kid came by the house trick or treating tonight. So, a big bag of candy will go uneaten.

Oh, wait, I have three teenage boys.

Joseph Dickerson

Forgot to mention: Michael Myers is BLINDED at the end of #Halloween2… And he got better. Think these movies may be stretching credibility.

Joseph Dickerson

You can totally tell who had no plans this #Halloween. They’re on twitter.

Joseph Dickerson

All you #StarTrek fans rewatching Catspaw tonight? I’m sorry. #Halloween

Joseph Dickerson

Just read that a radio station in Birmingham started playing Christmas music today.

No. Just… No.

Joseph Dickerson

Being a fan of the #Halloween movie series is like being in an abusive relationship. You know you should just walk away, but you never do.

Joseph Dickerson

And #Halloween4 ends completely wonderfully, bookending the first film.

So of course, they ruin that ending in 5. Sigh.

Joseph Dickerson

Still wish I had done my #Halloween: The Series parody 20 years ago. Every week, Michael tries to kill some distant cousin, twice removed.

Joseph Dickerson

Michael is immediately able to get from the roof to the ground. Because, of course, parkour. #Halloween4

Joseph Dickerson

Mortality rate for sheriff’s daughters in Haddonfield: 100%. #Halloween4