Month: December 2015

Joseph Dickerson

When it comes to 80s movie a-holes, William Atherton has no equal. And he has no dick. #DieHard

Joseph Dickerson

Welcome to the party, Pal. #DieHard

Joseph Dickerson

Now I have a machine gun. #HoHoHo #DieHard

Joseph Dickerson

Forgot how incredibly well constructed and written #DieHard was. Twenty minutes in, you know everything you need to know.

Joseph Dickerson

AND… the 7PM showing sold out. Will see the new Star Wars another day. Now, to watch that beloved holiday classic, #DieHard

Joseph Dickerson

Finally seeing the new #StarWars movie, and dressing appropriately.


Joseph Dickerson

For a moment, I strongly considered printing a 3D model of the monolith from 2001. Then I put the bottle down and walked away.

Joseph Dickerson

3D-printing a batarang. My path to becoming Batman has begun…

Joseph Dickerson

Merry Christmas to me…


Joseph Dickerson

I always mishear that line from the song Mistletoe and Holly as “fancy pies and Granny’s thighs”… which changes the song meaning a LOT.

Joseph Dickerson

MERRY CHRISTMAS! {insert holiday emojis here}

Joseph Dickerson

The new This Week in #Geek is available now!