Month: September 2015

Joseph Dickerson

And the Game of Thrones sweep continues (they cleaned up at the Creative #Emmys).

Joseph Dickerson

“The stage has gone red, repeat, the stage has gone RED!” #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

Happy birthday George RR Martin! He will celebrate it by going to the #Emmys and still not finishing the next book.

Joseph Dickerson

Hadn’t finished watching some of the shows you SPOILED in that segment. I’m sure the producers of those shows really loved that. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

So, #Emmys, did you not see that segment at the beginning of your own awards show that talked about how people haven’t caught up? Ugh.

Joseph Dickerson

Geez, way to completely spoil EVERY FINALE EPISODE THIS YEAR, #Emmys. Because everyone is caught up. Wow.

Joseph Dickerson

At this rate, Olive Kittridge will be the Democratic nominee for President. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

What the hell was that last segment and who the hell convinced Tony and Tatiana to do it? Wow. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

“Hi, I’m attractive Emmy presenter Rob Lowe.”

Joseph Dickerson

“I see SF shows on Fox being canceled before it happens!” #MinorityReport

Joseph Dickerson

More women have won Director honors tonight than in the entire history of the Oscars. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

Everyone… On stage. Is talking. Like. William… Shatner. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

Apparently pity laughter is the BEST laughter. #Emmys

Joseph Dickerson

Still mad at the #Emmys for not nominating Utopia.

Joseph Dickerson

The entire #Emmy set is actually the Transformer Unicron.

Joseph Dickerson

“Hi, I’m James Corden! I have a show now! I know, crazy, right?” #Emmys