Month: August 2015

Joseph Dickerson

Holy crap, Will. Don’t do this. #HannibalFinale

Joseph Dickerson

That, too, was unexpected. #HannibalFinale

Joseph Dickerson

Well, that was unexpected. #HannibalFinale

Joseph Dickerson

Enjoying a very expensive cognac as I watch the final #Hannibal.

Joseph Dickerson

Another Saturday of errands and to-do lists.

Joseph Dickerson

Google sounds the death knell for Adobe Flash ME: Thank you.

Joseph Dickerson

Umm… Campbell’s? I’m gonna skip this particular condensed soup, OK?


Joseph Dickerson

Microsoft Wants to Turn Your Phone Into a 3-D Scanner…

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: Interview with Rod Serling from Planet of The Apes Magazine issue 1