Month: July 2015

Joseph Dickerson

The new This Week in #Geek is available now!

Joseph Dickerson

An important question, finally answered: Hey hey, who is the leader of The Monkees?…

Joseph Dickerson

New at my blog: Chasing the new: Confessions of an early adopter

Joseph Dickerson

First, they took away Dukes of Hazzard reruns… Now this. END OF DAYS, PEOPLE.…

Joseph Dickerson

You can finally buy actual fireworks in Atlanta. Guess where I’m going this weekend?

That’s right! The Emergency Room!

Joseph Dickerson

Bad signs for #Hannibal fans: the contracts for stars Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen have expired.…

Joseph Dickerson

Last day in Michigan before a (desperate needed) four-day weekend.

Joseph Dickerson

At some point I will finally get to go to #sdcc. Not this year, though. Sigh.